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名称 牌号 规格 执行标准 化学成分分析(熔炼成分)% 性能特点 用途
C Si Mn P  ≤ S  ≤ 其他
预应力钢丝及钢绞线用热轧盘条 YL72B F8-20 GB/T 24238 0.70-0.75 0.10-0.30 0.60-0.90 0.025 0.025   脱碳层小,表面缺陷少,索氏体化率高,盘条具有优良的拉拔性能。组织、性能等高于国家标准要求。 主要用于预应力光圆钢丝、刻痕钢丝、螺旋钢丝、钢绞线。
YL82B F8-20 0.80-0.85 0.10-0.30 0.60-0.90 0.025 0.025 V≤0.15
WG70A F5.5-8 供货技术协议 0.68-0.74 0.15-0.30 0.45-0.60 0.025 0.020  
WG80A F5.5-8 0.78-0.83 0.15-0.28 0.45-0.60 0.025 0.020  
我公司生产的预应力钢丝及钢绞线用热轧盘条,执行标准GB/T24238,并有严格的内控标准,主要牌号为YL82B等,规格有φ11mm、φ12.5mm。采用优质原材料,炉外精炼,电磁搅拌,钢质纯净,采用严格的控冷控轧工艺,产品满足用户要求,是潍钢具有竞争力的高附加值的产品。Under the standard of YB/T 146-1998 and strict enterprise inside control standard, the main grade of the hot rolled wire coil for prestressing steel wire and steel strands is YL82B with the diameters of φ11mm、φ12.5mm. It has become one of the competitive products with high added value of WeiSteel with the advantages of high quality of raw material, smelting outside stove, electromagnetic stirring, pure steel quality and strict cold and rolling control process.